Living Statue Torn Down Without Braking Character

Brendan O'Brien
1 min readDec 1, 2020

TENNESSEE — After weeks of protesting and civil unrest, several confederate statues were torn down by protesters and dragged into the local river. One of the statues was Edwin McCormick, local artist and living statue. According to McCormick the protesters believed his rendition of a confederate soldier was accurate enough to be torn down and thrown into the river along with other actual statues that were originally stood in front of several government buildings.

“Honestly it was a dream come true,” said McCormick while taking a smoke break as Andrew Jackson, “Living statues strive to be perceived as actual static , stone or metal statues. And that night I was so believable they (the protesters) put a rope around my torso and watched me sink into the water. “ Protestors and local news affiliates learned of McCormick when he emerged from the river clothes soaked and silver paint running off his body. A group of protesters told us their story of the night.

“We were amazed by guy’s discipline,” said Beth Dahlkemper middle school history teacher, “ he never broke the illusion even when dozens of angry Tennesseans cursed, kicked, and spray painted penises on him.” McCormick still performs as a living statue filling the empty pedestals with historical figures, local heroes, and his copyright free of Spider-Man.



Brendan O'Brien

Comedian & catoonist in Chicago. Find my other work on Robotbutt, Greener Pastures, and The Haven. Insta/Twitter/TikTok @bravidobrien